Top 10 blockchain setups to look for

Starting into 2018, it is important to realise the full power of blockchain technology. It has the potential to completely change different components of the modern economy. Many if not all industries could benefit from enhanced security, safety, transparency and the removal of unnecessary intermediaries or inefficiencies. Below there are ten diverse blockchain companies that are all out to solve different issues in the world, … Continue reading Top 10 blockchain setups to look for

Unpopular Altcoins Like PacCoin (PAC) Are Worth Considering

The last week of 2017 saw PacCoin (PAC) experience a huge increase in their chart, a surge that ensured that the cryptocurrency was noticed for the first time terrifically. PAC experienced huge surges in the markets, with the company stating that the surge gave them the opportunity to identify few areas that they need to push their resources to. As a result of this, the … Continue reading Unpopular Altcoins Like PacCoin (PAC) Are Worth Considering

IBM Completes Proof-of-Concept Blockchain-Based Shared KYC

IBM announced the successful completion of the Phase I proof-of-concept (POC) of its Shared Corporate Know Your Customer (KYC) project with Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) and the Treasuries of Cargill, IBM. Through the Shared KYC POC, IBM successfully demonstrated how the Blockchain-based IBM Shared KYC platform provides a secure, decentralized and efficient mechanism for banks to collect, validate, store, share, and … Continue reading IBM Completes Proof-of-Concept Blockchain-Based Shared KYC

Integrating ERP with Blockchain Technology

Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has the capability to take industries by a storm. Though this technology is still in its experimental phase, it has grabbed the attention of several financial organisations, as it offers numerous benefits. Blockchain allows digital data to be distributed, but it cannot be copied. Initially, Bitcoin was created as a digital currency, but now many organisations are trying to … Continue reading Integrating ERP with Blockchain Technology

What is Hashgraph? How is it different from Blockchain?

What is Hashgraph? Is It The “Blockchain Killer”? Blockchains have been one of the greatest technological revolutions of the past century. Using this wonderful innovation, cryptocurrencies and software platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum have truly disrupted the financial and software development sector. However, this new technology has come up which may challenge Blockchain for the throne. It is called “Hashgraph” and in this article we … Continue reading What is Hashgraph? How is it different from Blockchain?