Java Memory Management

You might think that if you are programming in Java, what do you need to know about how memory works? Java has automatic memory management, a nice and quiet garbage collector that quietly works in the background to clean up the unused objects and free up some memory. Therefore, you as a Java programmer do not need to bother yourself with problems like destroying objects, … Continue reading Java Memory Management

IBM Completes Proof-of-Concept Blockchain-Based Shared KYC

IBM announced the successful completion of the Phase I proof-of-concept (POC) of its Shared Corporate Know Your Customer (KYC) project with Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) and the Treasuries of Cargill, IBM. Through the Shared KYC POC, IBM successfully demonstrated how the Blockchain-based IBM Shared KYC platform provides a secure, decentralized and efficient mechanism for banks to collect, validate, store, share, and … Continue reading IBM Completes Proof-of-Concept Blockchain-Based Shared KYC