Introducing Immer: Immutability the easy way

Immutable, structurally shared data structures are a great paradigm for storing state. Especially when combined with an event-sourcing architecture. However, there is a cost to pay. In a language like JavaScript where immutability is not built into the language, producing a new state from the previous one is a boring, boiler-platy task. To prove the point: The Redux-ecosystem-links page alone lists 67(!) packages to help you to … Continue reading Introducing Immer: Immutability the easy way

Introducing Taylor, a smart crypto trading assistant

Taylor introduces its easy to use all-in-one app that monitors the cryptocurrency markets, notifies you with potentially profitable trades several times a day and let you trade effortlessly. Cryptocurrency trading has never been so easy. Taylor — Crypto Trading for Everyone In January 2009, people around the world found themselves having to survive the harshest global financial crisis since the great depression. It was the period that the … Continue reading Introducing Taylor, a smart crypto trading assistant

$100 Billion Controversy: XRP’s Surge Raises Hard Questions for Ripple

Ripple’s native cryptocurrency, XRP, is on a bull run. According to CoinDesk data, the price of XRP is up over 1,000 percent in just the last month alone, eclipsing $3.50 per coin Thursday after spending much of 2017 under $0.30. With a market capitalization above $120 billion, the token has usurped ethereum as the No. 2 cryptocurrency after bitcoin, and social media is rife with … Continue reading $100 Billion Controversy: XRP’s Surge Raises Hard Questions for Ripple

A Brief on Artificial Intelligence

Pioneers have been constantly trying to invent the computer that can think like a human. This thought has grown in the form of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the technology that is designed to operate in the way humans do. It appears to think like humans do. The type of software that uses AI is striving to make the user experience as much like as … Continue reading A Brief on Artificial Intelligence